"My experience as a Peer Leader provides me with a deeper understanding of the complex identities with which people perceive and engage with the world. This position is a major influencer on the way I approach and navigate my academic, personal, and professional relationships. I am happy that my eager, freshman attitude emboldened me to walk into UU Room 217L almost three and a half years ago. I can genuinely say that the Center for Leadership and those involved with it are drivers of growth and happiness in my life."


- Erick Sebastian Gomez, Peer Leader 2016 - 2019, City & Regional Planning, Spring 2019


Peer Leaders volunteer at the Center for Leadership, supporting the Center’s daily functions, designing new programs and initiatives, and helping with student leadership development. All Peer Leaders build their own leadership skills by completing the Emerging Leadership Certificate. They support the Center’s programs while also assisting with leadership development among their peers. Peer Leaders help design marketing and outreach efforts and support the design and facilitation of leadership, special presentations, workshops, and education. The Peer Leader role is a great Learn by Leading experience for students who are passionate about leadership.

Our Peer Leaders have office hours in our Center (UU 217) Monday - Friday. Please stop by anytime and introduce yourselves to our Peer Leaders and learn more about their role in our center and their leadership journeys on and off campus. Additionally, if you'd like to request a Peer Leader to facilitate a leadership workshop for your student organization or group please fill out a request form here.

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