Building 65, Room 217
Bldg. 65, Room 217
This request form is intended to centralize student, faculty, and staff leadership requests. Please complete the form if you are interested in arranging a workshop or consulting session for yourself or your group, club, organization, or department. A member of the Center for Leadership will be in touch with you after your request is submitted.
By partnering with the Center for Leadership for consultation services, you agree to keep Center for Leadership staff informed of the event planning and facilitation so that the workshop or event is a collaborative effort.
If you are requesting a workshop, group discussion, or formal presentation/event, please identify at least one leadership topic for us to cover in the presentation:
*For more information about the Center for Leadership’s Learning Domains and Leadership Competencies, please look at the document titled “Learning Domains and Competency Overview” or visit the “About” section of our website.
If you are requesting a workshop, presentation, or discussion, your club/group/organization/department will be responsible for several logistical aspects. Please read the below statements and check the appropriate boxes.
If you have any additional questions or concerns about this process, feel free to contact the Center for Leadership staff at leadership@calpoly.edu.